Kororinpa Details

  • Kororinpa was released 18 years ago. We are all old!

Kororinpa Guide

Kororinpa Media



Gosh, you've got some really nice toys here.

Toyland level 1

Smooth Moves

Ahh I love those icy patches. You'll need to maintain good control of your marble, the candy ball is fast enough for the gold here.

Gold cup time - 00:22:96 Watch Video

Green crystal

The green crystal is right at the end of the level. Instead of turning into the goal, head further along the platform.

Green Crystal Video

Toyland level 2

The Arch Bridge

Don't worry too much about the conveyor belts, they're going in opposite directions so they won't have a net affect, roll right across them. Tend to the left when going across the slanted flooring. When you drop down the hole into the final tube, apply a twist to the right. Failing that you'll fall out of the level, giving you a bad time.

Gold cup time - 00:16:06 Watch Video

Green crystal

It's just after the curvy walkway with the red and white striped walls. Tilt to the right, the green crystal is in a hole.

Green Crystal Video

Toyland level 3

Long Icy Way

Despite its name, there's not actually any ice on this one?! When you reach the second milestone there's a sliding platform that you might not see, tilt upwards to bring it over.

Gold cup time - 00:39:78 Watch Video

Green crystal

Just after the first sliding platform, you'll be on a platform with a section missing in the wall. Roll slowly through the gap for the green crystal.

Green Crystal Video

Toyland level 4

Hexagon Of Fear

Yep, gotta fear those hexagons. Use a heavy marble like the gas tank, bouncing is not your friend here (is it ever in this game?). When it comes to the side-to-side platforms at the end, you'll want to get across in one movement and save time. Go to one side of your platform and start rolling as soon as the platform is in reach.

Gold cup time - 00:15:68 Watch Video

Green crystal

The green crystal is in the bottom left hexagon.

Green Crystal Video

Toyland level 5

Log Rail

Get a heavy marble like the gas tank for this one. Other marbles will tend to bounce out of the log rails if you're unlucky.

Gold cup time - 00:20:78 Watch Video

Green crystal

Once you reach the hexagon near the end, there are two ways out of it: a curvy path and a thin beam. The green crystal is in the middle of the latter.

Green Crystal Video

Toyland level 6

Zigzag Conveyor

When you hit the conveyor belts, maintain a steady speed and veer to the left a bit.

Gold cup time - 00:34:30 Watch Video

Green crystal

It's on the right side of the last conveyor belt.

Green Crystal Video

Toyland level 7

Treasure Hunt

The starting section has four branches, save the one on your immediate right for last because that leads to the rest of the level.

Gold cup time - 00:55:70 Watch Video

Green crystal

When you reach the milestone symbol on the floor, turn around and head straight over the edge at a slow pace. With good timing you'll collect the green crystal in the air and land on the magnet rail.

Green Crystal Video

Toyland level 8

Sky Walkway

The basketball might seem like a strange choice for this level (or any other). It's much easier to get the gold if you reach the moving platform before it leaves the first time, to do that I found I needed some bounce.

Gold cup time - 00:45:26 Watch Video

Green crystal

Head down the two steep roll-ins and across the flat ledge. Instead of dropping down the hole, go around it to the other side where the green crystal is.

Green Crystal Video

Toyland level 9

The Three Plates

This isn't as complex as it first appears. The first two "plates" you just roll straight through.

Gold cup time - 00:44:50 Watch Video

Green crystal

You'll see the green crystal in the first plate, get up onto the sloped piece in the middle and roll into it.

Green Crystal Video

Toyland level 10

Left, Right, Left

Control is more important than speed here.

Gold cup time - 00:45:97 Watch Video

Green crystal

Head to the end of the level where the square platforms are, roll left towards the uphill slope and collect the green crystal in the air.

Green Crystal Video

Next Zone: Night Town >>